04 January 2012

“The Choice to Feel”™ For High Sensitives & Empaths

with Kate Rose

Ft. Lauderdale, Fla USA - 21 & 22, January 2012
Apeldoorn, The Netherlands - 18 & 19 February 2012
Florence, Italy, Tuscany March 2012
St.Clar, South of France May 2012

“The Choice to Feel is a transformational gateway which empowers your deepest gifts, connecting you to the highest expression of who you are. Simply, directly, quickly, easily.”

It is a special time, for special people.

Kate Rose, an Empathic Intuitive Healer, has in her “Choice to Feel”™ workshops created a beautiful, protected and sacred space where the dynamic reality of Empathic & High Sensitivity living is received, explored, balanced, empowered and healed.
Kate is known worldwide for her gift in joyfully and fearlessly empathically entering oneness with each precious individual in a state of compassionate unconditional love & non-judgmental-ness. The gift she offers is her ability to locate, access and transform feeling patterns, to see and feel the structure of our vibrational energy fields, creating movement and healing from the core of our spiritual heart /soul self.

Kate moves within the dance of the physical, mental ,emotional, spiritual ,vibrational, & the energetic; both creating and translating the language & experience of Feeling and High Sensitivity in a tender yet powerful way that accurately describes each feeling as it arises, and in that moment of conscious meeting transformation always occurs.

You are a special person.You have a unique gift. The world needs you. We need each other. It is time to come together to share our gifts, to grow and transform, to finally stand together and joyfully powerfully claim who we are.”

Each Empathic & High Sensitive Human Being is unique. Rediscover that:
  • you have a Choice about everything
  • you can transform pain, grief, fear instantly
  • healing does not have to be painful or hard
  • you can remove physical, mental ,emotional and spiritual blockages,
  • you can reshape and strengthen your energetic field
  • you will recognize expand and learn to skillfully use your empathic sensitivities
  • you will learn how to establish clear energetic and vibrational boundaries
  • you will rediscover joy, happiness, peace, vitality balance of mind body spirit

The language of feeling is a tangible reality. As you discover and develop this profound tool of consciousness, this natural, forgotten, excluded, denied core element of your being, the effect on your mind, body, emotions, heart & soul is instant, measurable and visible, joyful.

Empathy is the part of your deepest self that you may have felt you had to set aside, to hide, and thus you have lived with this, your greatest gift, your core exquisite self left behind or hidden from this strange world that does not know what feeling is. By choosing to open to feeling the parts of yourself that you both love and fear, that you long to find, you instantly become in touch with your infinite nature and all the possibilities waiting inside you to be found.

The Choice to Feel........... Welcome Home
©2011 PlantLife by Roslyn McGrath

For Information & Registration Please Contact: katerose7@gmail.com


Transforming Judgment into Fluid Consciousness

“The Choice to Feel is the choice to let go of our habits of internal judgment and allow the clear flow of the many feelings within us. Judgment stops movement. Feeling is a constant state of movement, a perpetually fluid, sacred geometry.

Judgment stops all movement. Instantly and completely. The moment we judge ourselves there is an instant contraction. This contraction can be felt physically, mentally, emotionally & energetically. Take a moment, right now, to simply pause and take note of how you feel in this moment. Then, gently please, think of something you don’t like about yourself, something you know you are self -judgmental about. If you can, and I know you can, pause in the judgment,take a slight step back and notice where in your body you respond to this judgement. It is always, always a contraction. In this contraction, movement, all movement stops. This is expressed on many levels and in many dimensions. If you choose to explore further, you will notice more. You can voyage through the entire system and discover where the restrictions, the rigidities, the patterns of limitations, and pain live in your system. Then, if you like, you can for a moment , simply release the judgment. And if it seems impossible to release, you can simply for a moment imagine releasing it, and again check into your body and see if you notice any difference.

The imagination, the Right Brain, the act of allowing, releases judgment, creates or re-inspires, gives breath to, enlivens our entire system, our entire consciousness, and ths integral movement, invites and allows change, growth and expansion.The fluidity of consciousness. Simply, elegantly, easily, instantly. It is our natural state.

And it is always a choice. It is always available. Right now.

Try it.

Why not?

The Contents of the Human Energetic Field

Every person carries within them, in their energetic/vibrational field, every single thing that is in their life, in an energetic form. Everything. All physical realities, attachments, relationships, material things,structures of belief .

If one could see these energetic fields, one would see something that looks like a large bubble and inside the bubble are floating a multitude of things. Each of these things has a filament of light that attaches it to the person it belongs to, and each filament of light vibrates at a certain frequency.This sets up a resonance and this resonance both magnetizes and generates, reproducing continuously the environment at all levels that supports the choices, attachments, consciousness of each person.

These things either support, uplift and carry one ,or they pull or weigh one down, depending on the nature of one’s relationship with them.This relationship is either pulling inward, getting smaller, more dense, less mobile, less active, generating slowly, or is moving with, in harmony, in balance, energetically vibrant, always growing, always changing.

Change and one’s willingness to experience it, is one of the keys to a vibrant, expanding growing energy field and life. The desire for security in a tangible, recognizable and traditional form,which often involves a deep attachment to fear and control,and the placement of this as an overlaying energetic, vibrational membrane often precludes the needed and natural process of change, creating a somewhat static field having very definite limits.

This of course is only one layer, one part of the human energetic field and quite specific to the process of creating ones reality.However the willingness to see and feel this energetic field, to perceive its contents and to feel one’s relationship with it, is a huge gateway to instantly creating healing,transformation and expansion in one’s life on a multitude of levels.

28 October 2009

FAQ's on Feeling


Frequently asked questions:
How can I learn to Feel?

The first step is simply a willingness to explore the idea that there is a possibilty of perception that is unused and underdeveloped in most human beings.
We are greatly adept at using our left brain for almost everything, even mistaking feeling for the idea of feeling. Our right brains are in some way like an atrophied muscle. There, available, but unused and therefore in some way much"smaller" than our left brain, less active, used unconsciously.
What would it be like to have direct and immediate access to the right brain, intuitive feeling function, the living, constantly creating imagination?

What is the difference between feeling and emotion?
Feeling: a quality of being, a sensation, an experience and/or perception.
Emotion: the response or reaction to that feeling experience or perception.
What is the main obstacle to feeling?
Self -Judgement
How do I get rid of my negative emotions?
We never get rid of anything. We simply learn to transform our relationship with the many parts of ourselves.
What is the connection between the body and the feelings?
There is not a feeling that exists that is not mirrored in the somatic system simultaneously. There is no separation. Healing and transformation spontaneously arises when we make the conscious & compassionate connection between these parts.