04 January 2012

The Contents of the Human Energetic Field

Every person carries within them, in their energetic/vibrational field, every single thing that is in their life, in an energetic form. Everything. All physical realities, attachments, relationships, material things,structures of belief .

If one could see these energetic fields, one would see something that looks like a large bubble and inside the bubble are floating a multitude of things. Each of these things has a filament of light that attaches it to the person it belongs to, and each filament of light vibrates at a certain frequency.This sets up a resonance and this resonance both magnetizes and generates, reproducing continuously the environment at all levels that supports the choices, attachments, consciousness of each person.

These things either support, uplift and carry one ,or they pull or weigh one down, depending on the nature of one’s relationship with them.This relationship is either pulling inward, getting smaller, more dense, less mobile, less active, generating slowly, or is moving with, in harmony, in balance, energetically vibrant, always growing, always changing.

Change and one’s willingness to experience it, is one of the keys to a vibrant, expanding growing energy field and life. The desire for security in a tangible, recognizable and traditional form,which often involves a deep attachment to fear and control,and the placement of this as an overlaying energetic, vibrational membrane often precludes the needed and natural process of change, creating a somewhat static field having very definite limits.

This of course is only one layer, one part of the human energetic field and quite specific to the process of creating ones reality.However the willingness to see and feel this energetic field, to perceive its contents and to feel one’s relationship with it, is a huge gateway to instantly creating healing,transformation and expansion in one’s life on a multitude of levels.

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