04 January 2012

Transforming Judgment into Fluid Consciousness

“The Choice to Feel is the choice to let go of our habits of internal judgment and allow the clear flow of the many feelings within us. Judgment stops movement. Feeling is a constant state of movement, a perpetually fluid, sacred geometry.

Judgment stops all movement. Instantly and completely. The moment we judge ourselves there is an instant contraction. This contraction can be felt physically, mentally, emotionally & energetically. Take a moment, right now, to simply pause and take note of how you feel in this moment. Then, gently please, think of something you don’t like about yourself, something you know you are self -judgmental about. If you can, and I know you can, pause in the judgment,take a slight step back and notice where in your body you respond to this judgement. It is always, always a contraction. In this contraction, movement, all movement stops. This is expressed on many levels and in many dimensions. If you choose to explore further, you will notice more. You can voyage through the entire system and discover where the restrictions, the rigidities, the patterns of limitations, and pain live in your system. Then, if you like, you can for a moment , simply release the judgment. And if it seems impossible to release, you can simply for a moment imagine releasing it, and again check into your body and see if you notice any difference.

The imagination, the Right Brain, the act of allowing, releases judgment, creates or re-inspires, gives breath to, enlivens our entire system, our entire consciousness, and ths integral movement, invites and allows change, growth and expansion.The fluidity of consciousness. Simply, elegantly, easily, instantly. It is our natural state.

And it is always a choice. It is always available. Right now.

Try it.

Why not?

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